ChatGPT - User Metrics

Project Overview

This 24-hour design challenge led me to obtain my first product design internship. My goals are to showcase my abilities, understand user needs, design a user-centered interface, and effectively communicate my design decisions.


Create a dashboard for ChatGPT that allows users to see their user metrics.


UX Designer


Wireframes, prototype, building empathy, information architecture, brand


February 22-23, 2024


Showcase my skills to understand user needs, design a user-centered interface, and effectively communicate my design decisions.



1. Building User Empathy

2. Information Architecture

3. Wireframe

Building User Empathy

Persona: Elton Nim

  • 22 years old, financial analyst

  • uses ChatGPT consistently in workflow

Motivation for Viewing Metrics: curious about his personal conversation patterns and query trends.

User Flow

  • Open up ChatGPT

  • Sign in if not already

  • Click on his profile icon

  • Click on “User metrics”

  • View and interact with user metrics

Information Architecture

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

High-Fidelity Wireframes

Number of Questions

ChatGPT Time Usage

  • Taking on my first 24-hour design challenge was both nerve-wracking and exciting. Despite the pressure, I dove right in, fueled by a rush of thoughts and ideas clamoring for execution. By the end of the assessment, I was filled with pride in my accomplishments, regardless of the internship outcome. Securing the internship not only gave me a confidence boost but also affirmed my growth since transitioning to a UX career. It validated my design skills and readiness to tackle any future challenges.

    Feedback on my project highlighted areas for improvement: adding more color, rethinking the need for average metrics, labeling graph axes, and incorporating more interactive features.